Brands today have challenged themselves to come up with content that is so visually focused since Instagram has taken over with 700 million active users. Brands want people to see their products and service and more importantly click on the links and go to the websites to convert to customers.
Check out these brands that have rocked Instagram and nailed the authentic and unquie social content aspect!
1. Air BnB (@airbnb)

Air BnB Instagram
Air BnB does a great job of showcasing all of their different sites and places that you can stay. They do a great job of using user-generated content to highlight the joy of traveling and how it easy it is to use their service.
2. National Geographic (@natgeo)

Nat Geo Instagram
Their profile just makes us want to see the world! Just like Air BnB above National Geographic uses photos from around the world to entice people to travel and get out! Their photos are curated by photographers around the world that capture images that most people never will see. They always give credit to the photographer and tag them in the caption… which means if you love a photo you can see more content by them.
3. Adobe (@adobe)

Adobe Instagram
Adobe focuses on digital illustrations and amazing abstract creations. They tag all of their contributors and bring attention to the details around us.
4. Nike (@nike)

Nike Instagram
Nike does have multiple profiles that highlight different areas of their business for example, Nike Women (@nikewomen) and Nike Sportswear (@nikesportswear) are 2 of their other brand Instagram profiles. Most of Nike’s content is created internally but they do a great job of not only using their products in fun, interesting ways but bringing attention to the people that use their products and the fitness industry as a whole.
5. Glossier (@glossier)

Glossier Instagram
Glossier has built their entire profile around their central color of their products… pink. The color is in every photo including influencer photos and product photos. They do a great job of sticking to a theme and making sure their content is extremely recognizable.
6. Madewell (@madewell)

Madewell Instagram
Madewell does a great job of posting user-generated content along with internal content. They always include their hashtag #everydaymadewell which is a great way to view posts from your followers or influencers.
7. Vans (@vans)

Vans Instagram
Van’s profile is centered around their target audience of skaters, surfers, and extreme sport participants. They do a great job of highlighting their products being used in real-life. Their profile makes you long for the southern Californian lifestyle.
They also have multiple brand profiles that highlight their specific categories of products!
8. WeWork (@wework)

WeWork Instagram
WeWork centers their profile with internal content. It focuses on creative spaces, community, and the people that work within their buildings. They use their hashtag (#wework) in most photos which encourages their followers to use the hashtag when they post.
9. Staples (@staples)

Staples Instagram
Staples does a great job of using their products to create something new. For example the flag is made out of paperclips for their #VeterensDay post. It is creativity to the max! Most of their content is internally created but they do a great job of thinking outside the box to use all of their products.
10. Adidas (@adidas)

Adidas Instagram
Inside Adidas’ Instagram profile they have created mini campaigns. They use hashtags to differentiate between the campaigns and each has a different feel! They usually post in 3’s for the campaign so each row on the profile is a separate product highlight… very creative and cool!
11. Gopro (@gopro)

Gopro Instagram
GoPro has a similar style of posts to National Geographic, they promote outdoor actives and love to show the extreme side of nature. However, Gopro gives followers and viewpoint that can only be seen with their product. Their content is from cool angles, in water, or from above. It makes for some awesome shots!
12. ASOS (@asos)

Asos Instagram
This clothing company profile is the ultimate style inspiration. Asos does a great job of putting together all of their pieces into outfits and showing their followers how cool and trendy they can be if they had their clothes.
13. Starbucks (@starbucks)

Starbucks Instagram
Starbuck’s uses their Instagram profile to announce new drinks, food, and events to their followers. They use a lot of internal created shots but “regram” from their followers all the time. The drink in the air shot is their domain!
14. Warby Parker (@warbyparker)

Warby Parker Instagram
Between glasses, their community, and their retail shops Warby Parker does a great job of mixing up their content to show you everything about their brand. They do a great job of showing a behind-the-scenes look at their company culture with Halloween costumes photos, their members wearing glasses, or even their neighborhood coffee shop.
15. The Honest Company (@honest)

Honest Instagram
If you are a mother or a Jessica Alba fan you have heard about The Honest Company and checked out their Instagram profile. They post inspirational tips, photos of babies, and clean products for children. They do a great job of staying on brand and knowing their audience (mostly mothers) with creative content that empowers!
16. Converse (@converse)

Converse Instagram
Converse uses a more graphic approach to their brand profile. They use their shoes in new, exciting, and creative ways that is unexpected for a shoe brand.
17. TopShop (@topshop)

Topshop Instagram
Topshop focuses most of their content on their clothing and how it can be styled. A lot like Asos they stick to style inspiration that makes their followers want their clothes and outfits that they create.
18. General Electric (@generalelectric)

GE Instagram
GE is the ultimate technology profile. Their content shows cool gadgets, awesome aviation photos, and perspective photos that most people will never see! They show emerging technologies that leaves their viewers in awe.
19. Marvel Entertainment (@marvel)

Marvel Instagram
Marvel’s profile centers around their characters and actors in movies/TV shows. They also draw on comic book origins for the characters which gives their viewers a sense of where the inspiration came from! Marvel does a great job of not making the profile about the actors themselves but the community and characters that they portray.
20. Vogue (@voguemagazine)

Vogue Magazine Instagram
Vogue highlights models, fashion icons, events, and designers all on one platform. They take advantage of the Instagram video option to show clips of their interviews and fashion shows. They have built on their brand encompass the entire fashion scene and give their viewers an inside look at how people are using clothes to portray their individuality.
We hope that you take a look at these brands and their Instagram profiles and draw inspiration for your own brand. We have recently launched our own profile so as a bonus here isSMSS(@smssummit).

SMSS Instagram
Let us know what you think and if there are any brand profiles that you love and draw inspiration from. We would love to hear!
Also make sure you check out our other blog post on 20 Instagram Hack and when you use them to jump start your Instagram brand profile!