As a writer, the creative cup does not always runneth over with awesome blog post ideas. This is especially true if you need to come up with quality ideas on a consistent basis.
Enter the web, plus many marketers struggling with this same issue, and voila! Tons of awesome tools available to help you pack a punch with your next piece. Also, these are free.
Topic ideas
1 – Answer the Public
This tool helps marketers capitalize on Google & Bing’s auto suggest results. Type in a keyword to see what people are searching for. What’s especially awesome: the tool compiles a visualization of the data, or you can export to a CSV. Ideas for days!
2 – ContentIdeator
You can search by keyword to see the most-shared content across various platforms. Keep tabs on what’s trending by category and region. More extensive search features offered with an upgrade.
3 – Quora
Quora requires a bit more work, but it’s worth it. You’re sifting through posts for great blog ideas, but you’re seeing the real conversations. Check out what types of tools and resources marketers recommend to one another.
4 – HubSpot Blog Topic Generator
Enter 3 nouns, and HubSpot will generate blog title ideas. A good way to get a new spin on a few ideas you may have already had brewing (and save a few of the others for later!).
5 – SEOPresser blog title generator
A keyword based blog idea generator. Like HubSpot, this is a good option for an initial brainstorm.
6 – CoSchedule Headline Analyzer
CoSchedule gives you a headline score based on “word balance”. Your title should be a mix of common, uncommon, powerful and emotion-based words. Create a free account to save your “headline history”. You can compare scores of titles you’ve analyzed – a great way to learn and improve with time!
7 – Impact Bound Blog Title Generator
Type in a topic, and it gives you the bare bones – you fill in the blanks with your keywords. Save blog title ideas to a notebook and revisit later when you need some inspiration. Their title suggestions can work with most keywords.
8 – Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer
Enter your headline and test for “emotional marketing value”. This is a great gauge on how your post will perform on social media channels.
9 – HemingwayApp
A desktop app to help you gauge the readability of your blog. It identifies complex words, sentences, passive voice and more. (I used this app to edit this post!)
10 – WordCounter
Enter your blog and it’ll identify repetitive words (including how many times you’ve used each word in your post). Expand your descriptive vocabulary and recognize your over-used phrases.
11 – Cliche Finder
The app will highlight cliches and oft-used expressions for you to reconsider.
12 – After the Deadline
Great for typos, identifying passive voice and complex words (with simpler word suggestions).
For when you need to tune out distractions
13 – CreaWriter
For those that feel inspired by calming images and music. You can personalize your background image and tunes to bring our your best writing.
14 – CalmlyWriter
A browser app that saves a backup of your writing as you go. Enjoy focus mode (highlight only the paragraph you are working on) and dark mode (dark background).
15 – ZenPen
ZenPen functions directly in your browser. A simple yet effective option to block out emails and notifications to get a few thoughts down. Enter fullscreen mode and start typing!
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